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Imposter Syndrome|冒名頂替症候群

Writer: Cindy HungCindy Hung

I have met so many people struggling with Imposter syndrome, especially those who are quite successful already. Numerous studies indicated some professionals who are pretty good at their jobs struggle with the fear of not being good enough such as health care providers.

"Imposter syndrome refers to a pattern of behavior wherein people (even those with adequate external evidence of success) doubt their abilities and have a persistent fear of being exposed as a fraud" (Mullangi& Jagsi, 2019, p. 403).

I have experienced imposter syndrome on many different occasions. Part of this phenomenon might come from our cultural background that was so academic-oriented in Asian culture. We were constantly being judged and ranked in our academic setting growing up, which led us to believe that we are never good enough. Some people might believe that their success was due to luck or other people's contribution instead of theirs. The imposter phenomenon has become prevalent in our day-to-day life. It creates a negative cycle for some people to never enjoy their achievements.

To stop this cycle we have to stop comparing ourselves to others.

Remind yourself how wonderful you are by speaking out loud the following sentences:

"I am at the place we are supposed to be."

"I am worthy."

"I am enough."

"I deserve to feel the joy from things that I achieve."

We need to allow ourselves to celebrate and appreciate. Recognizing not only big achievements but also small ones is important.

"Good job for exercising today!"

"I am proud that I made myself coffee this morning!"

"Great job for being on time during the rush hour!"

"Thank you for making the bed this morning, great work!"

Small steps matter! Remember to be gentle toward yourself!


“冒名頂替綜合症是指一種行為模式,其中人們(即使是那些有足夠成功的外部證據的人)懷疑自己的能力,並持續害怕被認為不過好或是是個冒充者”(Mullangi& Jagsi,2019,第 403 頁)。







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