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About Me

Writer: Cindy HungCindy Hung

Updated: Jul 31, 2024


Why therapist?

I became a therapist because of my own trauma healing. I am a sexual violence survivor and in a life long journey in healing my childhood trauma. In an environment full of mental health stigma, I was ashamed and confused, feeling it was my fault for a long time.

I sought to improve my life and the lives of other women in similar circumstances by pursuing a mental-health degree in America—to serve as an advocate for young women and marginalized communities. I understand how harmful it can be, as a woman, to not have a voice. In becoming a mental health therapist, I realized I was suffering from trauma, a word that was not recognized by my culture growing up. I decided that any client that I work with will feel safe so that they can have a different experience.

During my free time

When I am not working, you will find me in nature, creating mental health videos (@cindy.journeys on Instagram) about mental health, doing yoga, and training my dogs - McNugget and Mcmuffin to do therapy (still a long way to go haha). In my own trauma work, I found the body and mind connection is extremely important to my healing.


Ph.D., 2023, Texas Tech University
Couples, Marriage, and Family Therapy

M.S., 2019, University of Oregon
Couples and Family Therapy

B.Ed., 2016, National Taipei University of Education
Early Childhood and Family Education

My Therapy Approach:
◦ Relational Life Therapy
◦ Internal Family Systems Therapy (IFS)
◦ Gottman Methods Level 2
◦ Culturally-informed approach
◦ Mindfulness and Compassion
◦ Attachment focused


I am a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist Associate in Oregon. I am a multilingual therapist who can provide services through English, Chinese, and Hakka (dialect). My clinical work is enhanced by my research experience (see the references below), teaching, and providing clinical supervision.

I’m committed to helping my clients learn how to build healthier and more relationally mindful relationships and create the life/connection they desire. My work focuses on targeting ineffective behaviors, negative communication patterns, and trauma healing. I believe in taking a humanistic and evidence-based approach to help clients reach their goals.

My area of expertise includes but is not limited to the following:

1. Trauma

2. Family Conflicts

3. Couples Counseling

4. Immigrant issues.

You can create the life you desire! It would be an honor to facilitate you to reach your goals. In therapy, we will focus on your strengths and improve the areas that you want to change. We can together form a new look at yourself and your relationships. I believe with our work together we can restore harmony and balance in your life.

If you are interested in working with me, please email me: or reach out to me by phone: (503)272-1838.

Research Publication:
Janes, E., Trevino, Z., Koehl, H., Hung, Y. (2021). Internal family systems and spirituality: implications for supervision. Contemporary Family Therapy.
Hung, Y., Theobald, A., Soloski, K., Fife, S., Wood, N., (2022). Relationality as a moderator on the impact of distressing life events on couples. Contemporary Family Therapy.
Hung, Y., Howard, C., Miles, A., & Trevino, Z. (2023). A longitudinal study of understanding how family cohesion impacts discrimination at depression symptoms, and self-Esteem of children of immigrants. Targeting journal: Cultural Diversity and Ethnic Minority Psychology.
Hung, Y., Linville, D., (2023). Racial/Ethnic Matching Between Therapist and Client Influences Treatment Duration and Outcome of Relational Therapy.Targeting Journal: Journal of Couple and Relationship Therapy

Conference Presentation:
Hung, Y., Miles, A., & Villalovos, K. (2021, March). Apply Narrative Therapy with Minority Population. Conference session presented at Texas Association for Marriage and Family Therapy, Online.

我是 Cindy Yi-Hsin Hung洪翊欣,碩士畢業於奧勒崗大學,目前正在德州理工大學攻讀博士,我在奧勒岡州執業LMFT-Associate。我的主要治療方法是 EMDR 和內部家庭系統治療 (IFS)。我是一名多語種治療師,我可以通過英語、中文、客家話(方言)提供服務。我的研究經驗、教學經驗和提供臨床監督都為我的治療提供很大的幫助,我的受訓背景是系理論,這意味著我在臨床工作中會包含個案的不同成長,文化背景以及面臨的不同挑戰。 我的領域專長包括但不限於以下內容:焦慮、抑鬱、其他心理健康診斷、兒童行為問題、親子關係、夫妻和家庭關係、家庭衝突、創傷、種族創傷和社會正義問題。 我視心理治療為陪伴人們經歷變化的過程,我的角色是關係促進者,我幫助個案面對生活中的挑戰,我相信改變在我們的生活中是不變的,我會和你一起探索內在的不穩定或混亂的狀態,並積極創造的正向的改變。我相信人不是問題的本身,問題是出在人際關係的建立,而行為問題則是為了解決生活中的難題而發展出來的結果,在治療時,我們會專注於您的優勢和特長來改善您想要改變的領域。通過檢視關係衝突中的背景和因素,我們會一起創造對自己和關係的新看法,我相信通過我們的共同努力,我們可以找回您生活中的和諧與平衡。





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